Last week, I attended a patent seminar at my university,
which was advertised as both an introduction to intellectual property as it
relates to academe and an explanation of changes to the patent filing process
as a result of the 2011 America Invents Act. The university’s vice president
and chief research officer spoke at the beginning of the seminar, and his
remarks reinforced an unmistakable trend in higher education: the cultivation
of entrepreneurial spirit in faculty and students.
Entrepreneurship is not a new phenomenon among America’s
research universities, but a recent wave of popularity is propelling it into areas
previously detached from such activities. The spread of entrepreneurship raises
several questions for the student of higher education policy: Why now? For what
ultimate purpose? To whose advantage and whose disadvantage? And it raises at
least one question for the somewhat interested onlooker: Who cares? In keeping with
the RBMB mission, this post offers a
few tentative, untested ideas.
Judging by the sign-in sheet, I might have been the only
person in the patent seminar not affiliated with a science or technology program.
The lens through which I understood the event, then, probably differed from others
in the room, many of whom were professors and advanced graduate students whose work
directly intersects with the market. Nevertheless, a few choice lines delivered
by our chief research officer could not be subject to divergent
- “A patent is like a publication. They are both junk unless you plan ahead and do something with them.”
- “I don’t care about your patent, I want to hear about your business plan.”
- “Figuring out how to get your methodology to market is more important than patenting.”
- “Do great things. Become rich!”
The overall message of the presentation was that research devoid
of commercial follow-through on the part of faculty and graduate students was
of little value. To simply discover new knowledge is wasteful, given the wealth-generation
potential of certain types of university-based research. Gone are the days of
basic, curiosity-driven research. Many would chalk up this message up to the
emergence of the knowledge economy over the past fifty years.
Whereas as production strategies and economic growth immediately following World
War II were organized around assembly-line manufacture of material goods,
today they are a function of creating new
science and technology-related products and services, and applying these inventions
via information processing and telecommunications. Knowledge becomes a raw
material that can be owned and sold. This organization of production requires
not an abundant source of unskilled laborers, but rather a smaller number of
educated information managers overseeing a larger cadre of flexible workers.
The research university has become indispensable to the
knowledge economy because it is a central site of knowledge production and
transfer. On the one hand, universities have become de facto research and development wings for corporations. As a
result of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, universities can retain ownership over
discoveries from federally-funded research, creating a new revenue stream. On
the other hand, universities have become vital in preparing the educated,
technology savvy consumers and workers the new economy requires. Consequently,
various policymakers and corporation leaders have become keenly interested in
reforming higher education to better teach “21st century skills”
that are aligned with the demands of the labor market.
The shift from an industrial to knowledge economy sheds some
light on the question: Why now? Entrepreneurship in universities is both more
feasible and better supported today than in the past because the exchange—versus
symbolic or intrinsic—value of research has grown exponentially. Equally
important, however, is the fact that research universities have been forced to
search for new sources of income. The steady roll back of state and local
funding for higher education has meant that universities, if they hope to
remain competitive and not compromise quality, must address budget shortfalls
with privately acquired revenues—from sale of merchandise and professional
certificates to patent royalties and equity in spin-off companies. And, of
course, one of the most important private sources of income is tuition.
The astute observer of higher education would argue that
entrepreneurship is a new name for a longstanding tradition within research universities
of innovating and operating in the context of a free-market capitalist system. It
is certainly true that one aspect of research universities has always been to
support economic development. In the same vein, university research has always
been instrumentalized to serve purposes beyond the search for truth or greater
understanding of the universe and its inhabitants. In fact, most university
labs in the postwar era were generously funded by the federal government, which
believed that basic research was the foundation of applications useful to
national defense. Knowledge production has always been pursued for pragmatic
reasons, not the least of which include personal and societal improvement. But
to simply say that the entrepreneurial spirit has always played a part in what
universities do is to give no consideration to how that role has changed over
I’ll sketch out here a few of the ways in which I think that
the entrepreneurial turn in higher education deviates from the past. First, we
must acknowledge that entrepreneurial activities are more deeply embedded in campus life. I’ll use my campus as an example,
which may be misleading because our president has made innovation and
entrepreneurship one of his top priorities. Nevertheless, many of these
initiatives predate his arrival, and I have seen them at other campuses
nationwide. Here’s a quick rundown of entrepreneurial programs and offices at
the university:
- M Square – a research park and business incubator space adjacent to campus. M Square “serves to physically and programmatically link university researchers, students and staff with federal laboratories and private sector companies.” The park is co-sponsored, in part, by the university’s division of research. This office also sponsors the Maryland Small Business and Technology Development Center and list of resources facilitating the founding of companies near campus
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) – since 1986, this office has provided support and assistance in safeguarding intellectual property, encouraging technology transfer, and fostering collaborative research with industrial sponsors. According their website: “OTC has recorded more than 1,700 information, life and physical science invention disclosures; secured more than 300 U.S. patents; licensed more than 900 technologies to business and industry, which have generated more than $16.3 million in technology transfer income; and assisted in the creation of more than 50 high-tech start-up companies founded on the basis of technologies developed at the University of Maryland. Continued growth is expected as the University builds on its strengths in engineering, information technology, and biotechnology.”
- Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (MTech) – claims 3 missions: to educate the next generation of entrepreneurs, start successful technology ventures, and connect the university and companies in the state. Included among the MTech initiatives are entrepreneurship and innovation walk-in hours, legal services, a venture accelerator, a technology company incubator, a student business model challenge, and a start-up lab.
The former director of MTech was recently named associate
vice president for innovation and entrepreneurship. He will launch the
university’s new Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship this year, which,
in the words of the provost will “ignite students' entrepreneurial spirit.” This introduces a second point of departure in
the current entrepreneurial turn—the fact that, in addition to being deeply embedded,
it also affects new stakeholders. The expanding
breadth of entrepreneurial activities means that no longer are
conversations about intellectual property, research commercialization, and
technology transfer limited to scientists and their graduate students.
Like the Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
several initiatives have been established with the explicit purpose of
developing an entrepreneurial mindset in undergraduate students from diverse
majors. Engineering students have long taken entrepreneurship courses. Now,
however, students can take part in Hinman CEOs, “the nation’s first
living-learning entrepreneurship program” and “a groundbreaking initiative
placing entrepreneurially-minded students from all technical and non-technical
academic disciplines in a unique community.” Furthermore, undergraduate
students can minor in technology entrepreneurship or, if they are academically
talented, receive a scholarship or take part in an entrepreneurship honors college to develop skills in innovation and business creation.
Faculty from all disciplines are also affected by the
breadth of the entrepreneurial turn. Although patents have always been factored
into promotion and tenure decisions for faculty in the STEM fields, the
university is now pushing a committee to consider how entrepreneurship can be
included in the academic rewards system across campus. Accordingly, the
previously three-legged stool of the academic profession (service, teaching,
and research) could soon include a fourth leg: entrepreneurship. Some faculty
have reservations about this move, as they argue that faculty members who have
developed companies or products are less interested in their work on campus.
They are pulled in a different direction. Other faculty members wonder what
kind of behaviors this move incentivizes and who truly benefits from the work
of academic entrepreneurs. Do inventor faculty better campus life, improve the
educational experience of students, or simply bolster their incomes?
This brings is back to the last of our original questions.
There are, naturally, advantages and disadvantages to recent manifestations of
entrepreneurial turn in higher education. These advantages and disadvantages
are not evenly experienced among all groups. It cannot be denied that a campus
dedicated to the cultivation of big ideas is a good thing. Some of these ideas
may address real social problems, and the university has repeatedly emphasized
its contributions to job creation, economic development, and state wealth. While
overlooking the nuance of specific cases, we can acknowledge that these are
positive outcomes for many people.
On the other hand, certain areas of universities cannot be
easily commercialized. They are designed to help us better experience and understand
what it means to be human, to think about how the past can instruct and
illuminate the present, and provide society a critical voice and social
conscience. These areas are marginalized in a campus environment that is
unabashedly forward-thinking, innovation-centric, and deeply invested in
translating academic products and services into sources of revenue. The value
of an idea has fundamentally changed on many campuses: a discovery, novel
theory, or compelling narrative of humanity are “junk” unless they can be
turned into a business plan.
We arrive, then, at the answer to the big question: So what?
After all, the skeptic is probably reading this post and labeling me a
left-leaning academic-to-be, resistant to adapt to new realities. Perhaps the
university is finally making itself relevant and useful. Perhaps it really is
like a microcosm of the market, with academic departments opening and closing
like firms at the whims of supply and demand. Perhaps these are all true. But,
as I reflect on the depth and breadth of efforts to cultivate “entrepreneurial
spirit,” I wonder what is being compromised, or even lost.
Our campuses have not suddenly come into extra state money
to fund these academies, programs, and research parks. They often must accept
money from the private sector and, therefore, increasingly answer to the
expectations of their funders—expectations which, as a number of court cases
have pointed out, do not always have public wellbeing in mind. Or they must divert
funding and energy from other areas, like character building, citizenship
education, and the liberal arts.
Universities nationwide may be educating the next generation
of inventors. But questions surround whether these inventors will have anything
beyond self-enrichment guiding them. “Do great things. Get rich!” This may be a
valid, albeit simplified, approach to economic prosperity. But I maintain it
should not be part of the mission of our college and university campuses.
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